Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Well, over the past couple of months when I had any free time, I've been busily making my lighted glass blocks and making decoupaged glass plates. Why, you ask? Well, the first two weekends in November, I'm in two different arts and crafts shows in Peterborough. The first is called 'Hand of Man' that runs the entire weekend, the second is called 'Autumn Treasures' and also runs the entire weekend. These shows are a tremendous amount of work, but once you get there and are set up, they are actually a lot of fun. Obviously, the whole purpose is to generate income for myself and recognition is the added bonus. Trust me, my fingers are crossed for both. This will be the last year I make the blocks and do the plates. As of 2011, I intend to focus 100% on my photography. It's my absolute passion and I need to generate income and recognition. I'm spread too thin when I'm involved in all three.
Here is just a sampling of some of the pieces to be sold...hope you like what you see...even better when sold.

The third weekend in November is a local festival called 'Festival of Trees'. It's a week long series of events that raises funds for our local hospitals needs. This will be my fourth and final year in the capacity I now participate. Each year, a group of local companies funds the purchase of many, many artificial, pre-lit trees at 4 ft., 7ft. and 10 ft. heights. In some cases, other companies, social groups and individuals like myself design and go purchase decor for their particular tree out of pocket. The first year I participated, I did a four foot tree in memory of my Mom and my sister who both have passed away. The second year, I did another four foot tree to honour my grandchildren. Since their names are Mason and Maggie ( my personal little M & M's) the tree had an M & M's theme. Last year, I did an all white tree and used it to advertise my photography business. This year, I'm doing an all black tree with reds, silvers, whites and crystals. As monies have gotten SO tight on the personal front, I've decided this will be the last year I'll do a personal tree. I will, however, continue to volunteer to help in whatever capacity I might be needed.


Meg Mitchell said...

You are such a neat and interesting woman. I love your glass boxes ... I've never seen anything like them. They are so sparkly for the Christmas season. And my goodness, you do a lot of shows. They are fun and tons of work but goodness, they wear you out.
Looks like it's a year of endings for some of your old favorites but how good will it be for you and everyone when you can just concentrate on what you truly love.
Thanks for all your comments on my blog .... love to read your wise sage advice.

Anonymous said...

Oh Meg...I appreciate you. Our lives are so different and yet I feel a unique connection. Somehow, I think if we were face to face we'd be able to talk for hours. I do feel our stories would have some parallels, for sure.
Thank you my loyal blog friend....