Well, it's been a week since I've posted to my blog and finally have a a bit of time to catch up on things.
Since we last connected, I managed to make four large and four small dark fruitcakes. I personally don't like fruitcake but my husband, my father, my girlfriend and my brother and sister-in-law all love it. My husband says he'd rather have fruitcake and steamed pudding with sauce than any gifts. It's funny, people either love it or hate it!
Saturday, I did a Christmas Craft Show in Mississauga which was a total waste of my time. There were approximately 50 - 60 vendors and not one single vendor did well.
The advertising was almost non-existent apparently and was SO evident of that fact by the few shoppers that came. I don't think there were more than 100 people who showed up and none were in much of a buying mood. I sold two glass blocks. I just made back my table fee...won't do that show again!
Monday, I spent the evening decorating my tree for our Festival of Trees. This year I requested a white tree and chose black, silver and crystal decor items. This is a week long event with many, many things going on to raise funds for our local hospital. My tree was picked to be part of the live auction event on Saturday evening.
My husband and I went to 'Family Night' tonight and got to see my tree with all the other decor surrounding it. We like to go 'Family Night' as my cousin and his family perform.
Today, we also attended a housewarming for my cousins daughter. She is only twenty one years old and has managed to purchase her first home. It's really a lovely little home and she has put all of her own personal charm into it aleady.
I have to get some baking done for Friday night and plan a dinner, as my husband is hosting an out of town woodturner for an all day event on the Saturday. We will also put him up for the night.
Tomorrow, I'll also replace my plates in the Village Tea Room with ones with Christmas and holiday themes. The owner also wants to put a few glass blocks in as well...yeah!
I'm SO looking forward to Monday through Wednesday next week. No obligations, other than plain fun. Four of my cousins and myself are going to Watertown, NY to do nothing but shop, eat, drink, laugh, and talk and talk and talk. We are also going down to Syracuse for one day as well. We all have had so much going on and family issues for some that each of us can't wait to get away from it all and just 'hang out'.
In closing, tomorrow is American Thanksgiving, but it's also my grandson's 5th birthday......
'Happy Birthday, Little Man'!!
It will be a very special birthday for him to remember. His Mommy and Daddy are taking him to Disneyworld for five days with all kinds of special things planned. I'll get to talk to him via webcam and hear ALL about his adventures. I can't wait!!
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