Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Well, it's weird, but I'm feeling a bit guilty. My exercise routines have been somewhat derailed over the past two to three weeks. I did a bit of hand weight training at my daughter's in Princeton, but certainly wasn't diligent about it.
Then, I managed to get the flu again and did absolutely nothing last week or this week. I must admit to feeling slightly beat up. It's only in the last day I feel my energy level starting to improve.

I guess what I'm saying is I'm basically 'starting over'. I can't beat myself up too much or I won't get back on track. The upside is I hadn't budged in the two months of working out every single day so don't have anything to make up.

Tomorrow, I'm leaving for my oldest daughter's in North Carolina. In speaking with her last night, she said she has a yoga ball and 5 lb. weights which is great! I'll bring my 8 lb. weights and my work out clothes. I really will try to do some of my exercise routines while there.

Last night, I was in 'deadline' mode. I'm part of an arts team that is submitting to the Peterborough Arts Council a media submission to be juried for Artsweek 2010. All submissions are due by April 12th for the jury to decide who will participate. Since I'm leaving town, I had to get my portion completed and submitted to our chairman. I'm submitting photography and writing a portion of the overall project. Our theme is 'Water'. We've all submitted titles but nothing decided as yet. The Artsweek isn't until mid-September so, if our team is picked, we'll have a lot of work to do. There is writers, dancers, musicians,actors, photographers and a computer whiz on our team.

Tonight, I go to Trent University to hear a presentation done by a group of business and marketing students on behalf of my photography business. I'm really looking forward to hearing what they have to say! This whole presentation is based on marketing on the 'social networking sites' and helping me to design a website conducive to this type of marketing. At the end of the evening, I get the entire presentation in a binder to keep. My presentation isn't until 8:30pm and will go until 9 pm. I'm excited.

I hope to be on the road by 6am tomorrow morning. Can't wait to see my daughter and her family!

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