Sunday, September 28, 2008

The day got away from me............

Got up this morning and had my usual coffee and cigarette and spent some time by myself just going over in my head the many things on my mind.
Stripped and re-made the bed and got laundry going. I actually started with a scratchy throat and a weird feeling in my sinues and nose.....darn, I think I'm getting a cold. I found out that I have another one of those stupid cysts back in my throat and will need another surgery some time in the future...frustrating and gross.
I finished another glass block and then emailed my nephew who is going through some unpleasant stuff. His wife left and now it's just him and his little two year old daughter. I decided to phone him and talk directly. I feel so badly for him, as he's flat broke and lives way, way, way up north where it's so isolated. He really wants to just get out of there and take his daughter away from a lot of ugliness. He's really distraught and just isn't sure what to do next. We talked and talked and I think by the end of it he had talked through stuff enough to be more certain what he should do next..There is a huge family network down here and all of us will help him on some level but he needs to search his heart and soul and be absolutely sure what he wants for sure.
Myself, I'm still doing a lot of thinking, evaluating and deciding what to do's going to take me some time.
I talked with my oldest daughter tonight and I always feel a little better once I connect with my girls. She's going to England this coming weekend on business and we have a close friend over there and they will connect...My little man was up in his bed so didn't get to talk with love that little guy!
I went to see my girlfriend's mother who has been in the hospital for weeks now with a compressed fracture in her back.. She is one spunky lady and I just love her to death! She is and always has been my second Mom and very special to me. My girlfriend and her husband have gone out to British Columbia for two weeks and I know my girlfriend will call her mother every single day. I still like to drop in and keep her company once in a while.
I have one custom glass block to get made this week and I just got an order tonight for a custom plate so things are moving in the right direction....just a turtle's pace. Forward is good!
Still working on this Christmas Tea and Gift Sale my cousins and I are doing the first week of November..

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