Monday, November 17, 2008

A successful but mentally draining day.....

I spent most of the day, and I do mean MOST of the day, trying to recall specifics of my past work history for this new resume I'm trying to put together. I was told to list quantifiable successes for three particular companies...omg! First, I'm one of those people who worked so many years for so many different companies that a lot of it becomes a blur and secondly, over the past thirty + years of working I was proud of my accomplishments at the time, but then I move on and it's put somewhere else in my head. The quantifiable part is difficult as well. Why you ask? Well, most of the bosses I've had are now passed away with the exception of two, maybe three...hmmm!
I hope this will be worthwhile at some point, as I will need to find work. My preference is to design this resume such that I can go after freelance event planning work. I DO NOT want to give up either my art on plates or my photography and WILL NOT! I will tell you that the art and photography consumes most of my mind and most of my days. In hours, I 'work' harder and longer now than I ever did when I was getting paid to do something. On average, I probably spend 12 -15 hours most days....I just wish I could find someone to do the laundry, the ironing, the housecleaning and sometimes the cooking so I could keep at such 'fairy' around that I know of!
As of now, I've completed and printed the first draft of the resume and spent two hours tonight wiring all the ornaments for my tree for our local Festival of Trees that will need to be decorated next Monday night. This is a week long festival with various activities and functions going on to raise added funds for our local hospital. Corporations donate the artificial trees and lights and others volunteer their time and money to contribute decorations for each specific tree. In honour of my grandchildren, my tree has and M & M's theme this year....this one is for the kids!

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