Monday, March 2, 2009

INSPIRATION # 2 ......

This is Audrey's Country Crafts inspirational person. Audrey has a wonderful 'country' theme to her Etsy shop and is a very busy lady. I thank you Audrey for taking the time to contribute to my blog. Go see her shop at It's definitely worth the visit!

My Grandma inspires me! On January 1/09 Grandma turned 93 years old. When I was quite young, they lived on a farm. She started having trouble with her eyes, had many surgeries but became completely blind before the last grandchild was born. Didn't slow her down at all. She continued to cook for everyone, do all the household chores, and anything else she could do to help out. She had learned to knit at a young age and tried to teach me (after she lost her sight) but I don't think I was meant to knit. After they retired to town, Grandma had time to knit a lot more and would do mittens, scarves, hats and slippers for all the grandchildren and anyone else who might need some. People started bring her wool to knit items for the local self-help store and she is still knitting now. Only it's the great-grandchildren getting the mitts and slippers. I hope that when I'm 93, I can still do something I love, still have the energy and drive to do what I can even though I'm not quite as fast as I used to be.

On a personal note, I had a great sales week. I sold 9 photos between my Etsy shop and locally..... doing the happy dance!

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