Thursday, March 26, 2009


Had to get up pretty early for me and that's never a good thing. I'm definitely NOT a morning person!
Couldn't go to family breakfast because of the appointment but stopped by the restaurant to deliver some photocopies to one of my aunts. As I was getting out of the car, my uncle got out of his and he brought me a wee gift from his daughter(my cousin) of some of their home grown beef. What a nice surprise! Now there's another strong woman in the family but so thoughtful and funny. I just emailed to thank her. She wants me to try their beef as I'd asked some questions about what they charge for a 1/4 of beef and how they cut it, etc. etc. Still a really nice gesture.
I came home, did some errands here, talked with my husband, did some computer work, and then walked and walked again. Today, I walked alone as no one else was available and I was glad as I have a lot of thinking to do and do that type of thinking better alone.
Tonight went to photography class and learned a bit more. Sometimes, all the technical terminology used gets me a little overwhelmed...but we are a fun group.
Tired on so many levels and not very enthusiastic at the moment...ahh well, tomorrow is another day and thank goodness nothing definitive scheduled.

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