Wednesday, April 22, 2009

WEATHER MEN.........quite the job!

Well, the weatherman was wrong! Not a beautiful day at all as it rained most of the day off and on. I didn't get any gardening done. It must be nice to have a job where you can be wrong 50% of the time and still get paid!
The upside is I took the opportunity to organize and sort and set up files for my office area.
My husband, our friend and myself got our one hour walk in even though we got a little damp.
I'm so frustrated at the moment as there are so many things I'd like to change about my blog and so much I need to understand about Google AdSense and really, really need someone to help me that's much more technically gifted......aaahhhh! In many ways, I envy my daughter's era as they seem so much better equipped to understand this stuff, although even my daughter said she can't figure out AdSense. I wish I could find someone that could help me out. I need to start searching out some help.

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